Genre: Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
This whole album is sung in Finnish, so if you want English only, then stop. If not, Synestesia plays some classic Gothenburg Metal that's reminecent of old In Flames and Soilwork, though it's not exactly linear either as we have some minimal female vocal participation, a mellow acoustic track. The album clocks up a total of around 38 minutes, though a bit on the short side, there's no filler material either.
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Genre: Hard Rock Bit Rate: 320
I don't often listen to Hard Rock, but I'm sure I can recognise a good release when I hear one, and I think this is one of them. Their music is not cheesey with a good amount of variation but still manages to be really catchy while Lex Koritni is just a really good singer.
Genre: Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
I listened to this album because I watched the official music video of the title track. Watch it in youtube here (okay, ignore the first 39 seconds of it as it's some advert). It's just that sort of music where you'll get positive feedback from people whether you like metal or not.
Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
The only Fairyland album featuring Elisa C. Martin and considered to be their best by many, though I personally believe "Score To A New Beginning" has pushed Fairyland to a new level. However, it was this album that got me hooked to Fairyland in the first place despite the really gay band name, so it's always cool to listen to.
Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Second album by Fairyland (excluding their demo recorded under the name Fantasia) and was not as well received by fans as "Of Wars In Osyrhia". Nevertheless, it is still a Fairyland album with their trademark epic sound. Filling in for vocal duties is Max Leclercq of Magic Kingdom, who also left the band later.
Genre: Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
I really like Angela Gossow and Arch Enemy, so when I found out there this band called Luna Mortis that also has a female vocalist that sings in growling Gothenburg style, I immediately checked their latest album out. The vocalist is called Mary Zimmer and she does growl well, but different from Angela is that she also have many melodic clean passages. In theory it would really work for me, but the album somehow faile
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Genre: Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Being among the most influencial and best selling Death Metal bands, Obituary delivers us album number 8.
Genre: NWOBHM Bit Rate: 320
Saxon is quite an overlooked Heavy Metal band probably because Iron Maiden also comes from Great Britain. However, I really think the new Saxon album sounds really cool. It may be a bit too epic for some in tracks "Battalions of Steel" and "Valley Of The Kings", but I really like them and the rest of the songs are definitely not filler material. They are varied, really catchy with great choruses, sounds classic NWOBHM but at th
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Genre: Folk Influenced Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
True... a lot of bands these days add folk elements into their music. The additional of female vocals is also not new even in the Gothenburg/Melodeath scene, but Slania is really among the best releases of 2008 and other than great song writing, I blame it on their performance, though not on the skill level as I'm sure many bands have great talent, but I mean performance with soul. Can't miss this if y
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Genre: Stoner Doom Metal Bit Rate: 320
A fairly well known band among the Doom scene which could be the type of Doom they play or because of Liz Buckingham is one of the rare female guitarists, or perhaps they just play great Doom Metal.
Genre: Symphonic Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
I found this release surprisingly boring. Perhaps I should have given it more chances as they did take a turn in their musical direction as compared to their previous work, but I'm sure fans of Edenbridge would want to check it out anyway.
Genre: Symphonic Metal Bit Rate: 320
Probably one of the most popular albums among the Austrian band's discography. The melodies of some of the songs are definitely more memorable and therefore relatively easier to access as well, but that doesn't mean the music is simple. As usual, it is actually complicated and it takes time to peel it off layer by layer to find the hidden gems.
Genre: Epic Doom Metal Bit Rate: 320
This first Candlemass album with vocalist Robert Lowe and already, he shows a lot of class. The guitar work here is also fantastic and varied, keeping the listener interested while the solos are quite impressive.
Genre: Symphonic Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Easily the best Edenbridge album to date. While their earlier works tend to bore me (with the exception of "Shine"), MyEarthDream stood out among their discography mainly because of the more expansive sound. With the Czech Film Orchestra in full force behind them instead of relying on keyboards and just more inspired melodies in general, Edenbridge certainly have outdone themselves in this release.
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Genre: Symphonic Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Front woman Francine Brouche has a nice captivating mellow voice which I fell in love with (yeah, she looks great too), but by no means they are a Nightwish, Within Temptation or Lacuna Coil clone. Other than the music being progressive, harsh Thrash riffs are thrown in as well making a nice contrast. I'm looking forward to their late 2009 release.
Genre: Progressive Metalcore Bit Rate: 320
The genre of Becoming the Archetype is not the easiest to define as they kind of combine Death, Metalcore with Progressive music. However, this also makes them stand out and as a bonus, the legendary Devin Townsend produced the album and also contributes to vocals in the opening track. I am personally not a fan of Becoming The Archetype, probably due to the Death leanings, but I'm sure that many will.
Genre: US Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Want Power Metal with a heavier punch? Helstar sure delivers as they play US style Power Metal which unlike their European counter parts do, have a more direct sound and they add more of a thrashy apporoach too.
Genre: Extreme Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
I have not listened to Loch Vostok's previous work before, so I can't make any comparisons with their previous works, but I can tell you that this band (or this release) is completely overlooked by metalheads in general. This is unfair really because the type of Progressive Metal Loch Vostok plays here is really convincing and fairly unique. Sure, it's not an easy access release nor ground brea
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Genre: Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
I was quite impressed by "Haven" even upon first listen, mainly because of the keyboards and the modern sound despite it being 9 years old already. The rest is still the DT sound, so not much can go wrong here.
Genre: Electronic Symphonic Metal Bit Rate: 320
For those who love Rhapsody Of Fire would probably love Dreamquest. It's still sort of Power Metal and the music is much in the vein of Rhapsody imo, but this time instead of playing the guitar, Luca Turilli takes care of the keyboards, also we have a female vocalist under the name of "Mystique".
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Genre: Thrashy Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
There are many Elisa C. Martin fans out there, but I also know that many of them are only used to her music in Dark Moor or maybe even Fairyland and Hamka. However, I enjoyed Enclosed a lot as it is a completely different sound to Symphonic Power Metal. It's probably as heavy/thrashy as Power Metal can get really, together with traces of industrial sounds here and there, it's easy to understand why Elisa, Albert Ma
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Genre: Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Dominia is special in it's own right. I know I've uploaded quite a number of Melodeath releases here, but this one is different in the aspect that there's prominent use of the classical piano and violin that's seemlessly woven into Dominia's music.
Genre: Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
"Second Rose" can really be classified as Gothic Pop Metal really as the music is clearly aimed at a wider audience and some of them can even consider as no-brainers. Fair enough, the opening track "Electric Dragonfly" was good, otherwise not much great aspects stand out. The covers of "Because Of The Night" and "Bang Bang" wasn't a great idea and to be honest, I prefer the pop versions a lot better while I also have an i
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Genre: Electronic Symphonic Metal Bit Rate: VBR
With more people on the choir, Ocean Dynamics comes across even more ambitious than Dol Ammad's earlier release "Star Tales" and this time there's also DC Cooper as lead vocalist. Listening to the record can certainly get you the feeling of the rippling ocean and the dynamics of the sea. The track "Solarwind" can illustrate the feeling very well with added effects of seagulls and dolphine clicking.
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Genre: Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Divinefire is better than the average power metal band, nor do they have the generic German or Finnish sound, but at the end of the day the album isn't extremely exciting for me. I would not mind giving "Farewell" a few more spins to fully appreciate their music, but the first few listens did not prompt me to do so (unless I have more free time lol), so I guess it still lacks the killer punch. However, if you are in the mo
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Genre: Nu Metal Bit Rate: 320
Personally, I prefer Indestructible, but Ten Thousand Fists is quite good as well.
Genre: Nu Metal Bit Rate: 320
I know a lot of metal purists have a thing or two to say about the "Nu Metal" genre, but I really like this release. Initially only checking them out in myspace as attracted by the awesome album art (click image for higher resolution), I realised I wanted the whole thing. Nodding my head and tapping my feet to their music, Wikipedia and various sources told me Disturbed is a Nu Metal band. What ever really... I just like musi
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Genre: Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Only heard of this band until very recently. Looking at the really unstable lineup between each release makes me wonder how good they can be if the musicians can have a bit more chemistry together, because I think FrAme is a very good album of Prog already. The opening track "Hereafter" totally blew me away with it's intensity and power. The rest of the album pretty much follows the same vein, though not quite as out
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Genre: Symphonic Metal Bit Rate: 320
If you like Within Temptation, you may know that founder of the band, Robert Westerholt has a brother (Martin Westerholt) and was keyboardist for WT until 2001 and had to leave the band due to health reasons. Martin Westerholt came back, but this time forming his own project called Delain with front woman Charlotte Wessels and featuring p
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Genre: Atmospheric Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Probably my favourite Deadlock album yet. It's even catchier than "Wolves" and more non-metal elements creep in which makes it sound really fresh. Okay, the album has moments which I don't like such as the rap bit in the track "Deathrace"... so I chose to ignore it (nothing against rap, but it just doesn't fit). Otherwise, I'd say Johannes Perm's growls have improved and Sabine is hitting every note.
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Genre: Atmospheric Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
In this album, Sabine Weniger becomes a full time member of the band and has a lot more participation in the vocal parts. Although her voice tends to get a bit annoying in "Earth.Revolt" at times, she sounds a lot better in "Wolves". Not that her voice or vocal abilities has changed or anything, but it's probably the band start writing music that fits her in as well and I really like her now. Also, the
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Genre: Symphonic Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
The music of Deadlock is not so simple. You get thrashy riffs, breaks, solos, orchestrations and even a female vocalist (Sabine Weniger) that has a nice soft voice, so they are definitely your usual melodeath band. The thing that I have to complain about this album is that Sabine Weniger does go over the board a little bit too much, particularly in the track "Awakened By Sirens". You'll know what I mean w
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Genre: Heavy Metal Bit Rate: 320
In a rock n' roll mood and want something that's heavy? Booze, Broads and Beelzebub may be the answer ;)
or or
Genre: Metalcore Bit Rate: 320
Not really familiar with the Metalcore genre, I found out about Bullet For My Valentine after a friend recommended it. After reading online about it being a Metalcore band, I prepared myself to be in a really open minded state and found that I actually found this album pretty good. At least the riffs, but when it comes to vocals, I'm not so sure...
Genre: Thrash Metal Bit Rate: 320
A much anticipated release by DevilDriver - a rather popular act. Singer Dez Fafara arose from Nu Metal band Coal Chamber and formed DevilDriver because of musical creativity differences. As their fourth studio album, you can now see how much they differ.
Genre: Power Heavy Metal Bit Rate: 320
Whether you are into Power Metal, Heavy Metal or just female fronted ones in general, "The Unexpected" is definitely a must. Vocalist Magali Luyten is one of those singers that sends me shivers down my spine. Magali is not one of those soft voices in Gothic bands or your average operatic singer, instead she has a really powerful rock voice. The melodies are unforgettable here as well and more familiar names include U
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Genre: Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Upon first listen, my initial thoughts on the album was immediatley along the lines of grand and epic. However, some may think the complexity and multi-layerness being over produced. Regardless, it is clear that a lot of effort has been poured into this album. The 14 minute track "And Then There Was Silence" took a year to mix and master.
Genre: Folk Influenced Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
When listening to Suidakra, there's plenty of Gaelic folk passages in their Melodic Death Metal style, so it came a bit of a surprise when I found out later that these guys come from Germany. So if you like Folk Metal and Melodeath or just like Melodeath but want something different, try Suidakra.
Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Tarot (Autumnal too) is a great album to showcase the talent of Dark Moor. If you love Symphonic Power Metal or just Power Metal, you must check this combo out. "The Moon" is definitely among my favourite Dark Moor tracks throughout their discography as it is a metaled up medley of Beethoven classics.
Genre: Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Compared to Forget-Me-Not, The Diarist lost it's classical instrumental sound and instead has been replaced by keyboard. Though it sounds bad, it isn't really because the keyboards do come in the right place and this time we have female vocals and choirs brought in as well.
Genre: Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Emotive, brutal yet beautiful is what Dark Lunacy's music is about. Coming from Italy, they sing about Russian themes, but that's not the point really, they have quite proper classical intruments woven into their music which makes this Melodic Death band sound unique.
Genre: Progressive Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
It took Cynic 15 years to release another album. Not as shocking as "Focus", but still a great release nonetheless.
Genre: Progressive Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Even when listening it in 2009, the sound of Cynic's Focus still sounds modern and interesting. It must have truely been a ground breaking one 16 years ago... If you liked Kalisia's Cybion, it's likely that you will find Cynic and enjoyable release. Note that this is the 2004 re-release edition.
Genre: Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
When you have two female vocalists and one sings in operatic style and the other goes for a rock voice, it means you get Coronatus. I'll only complain about the songs not all being in English.
Genre: Dark Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Genre: Dark Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Genre: Dark Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Communic is a really professional Progressive Metal band. They are technical, got nice vocals and have thoughtful lyrics to top things up. On the other hand, no tracks stand out in particular to me anyway and it takes a while to get into them.
Genre: Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Crimson Skies is a classy release despite not many people know about the band Cloudscape. I accidentally stumbled across them and enjoyed listening to this album and I think singer Mike Anderson has a lot to do with it. True, they don't do anything ground breaking or go crazy on solos like some Progressive bands, but nothing is clitche here as well. On a side note, if you like Anette of Nightwish, she's featured as a
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Genre: Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Blind Guardian is among the most popular Power Metal bands. Though I wasn't very convinced by their earlier releases which everyone seems to like so much, A Twist In The Myth really exceeded my expectations and I admit I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Genre: Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
This is supposedly Amon Amarth's breakthrough album. Note that track 7 of the bonus disk i.e. demo version of Burning Creation is missing =/
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Genre: Melodic Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Genre: Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
My personal preferred Arch Enemy album. Perhaps it has to do with the way the vocals are delivered this time, or maybe because Christopher Amott is back, leading to more solos. Whatever reason, this album really convinced me to like the band.
Genre: Gothenburg Metal Bit Rate: 320
Arch Enemy is definitely a one of a kind band, especially when you have Angela Gossow as lead vocalist. I'd say it's among the best examples to illustrate "don't judge a book by it's cover". If you still don't know about Arch Enemy and like the Gothenburg/Melo Death Metal sound, Arch Enemy would be a cool listen.
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Genre: Symphonic Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
I really have no problem with Anette as Nightwish's new singer in the studio and I think it's unfair to compare her to Tarja as their styles are so different, but I really think Anette should work harder on her live performances and this EP can illustrate why I am not very convinced by her live show
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Genre: Extreme Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Much controversy about whether this album is a redemption from the widely hated "Are You Dead Yet?". Can now find out for yourself if you haven't yet.
Genre: Extreme Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
The music of Children Of Bodom is really melodic and fast paced with Death vocals, along with the rather technical guitar solos, catchy riffs and choruses, they are very easy to get into, thus their success.
Genre: Extreme Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Genre: Extreme Power MetalBit Rate: 320
Follow The Reaper is definitely my favoutite COB album. Alexi "Wildchild" Lahio is amazing on the guitars as usual, but what stands out to me in this album in particular are the keyboard melodies and its presence throughout in general.
Genre: Extreme Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Children Of Bodom doesn't really need much introduction as they are one of the most successful bands from Finland. Hatebreeder is their second studio album and is considered by many fans their best.
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal Bit Rate: 320
With a lot of orchestration arrangements and the music being really keyboard driven, Carach Angren plays Symphonic Black Metal the way which I like. Epic soundscapes are created while all the songs are actually ghost stories, which makes it a bit more interesting rather than the usual satanic themes.
Genre: Technical Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
Normally, I don't really listen to Technical Death Metal, but Cosmogenesis has some nice melodies in it as well as a distinct bass line that's quite memorable.
Genre: Heavy Doom Metal Bit Rate: 320
The second release of the band (and also in the year), Paranoid saw Black Sabbath lose more of their bluesy sound and instead, comes out heavier and darker. It is really evident that a lot of the material is anti war as reflected by the Vietnam war at the time.
Genre: Heavy Doom Metal Bit Rate: 320
This is THE album that gave birth to the Metal genre we have today if you still don't know. Whether you do or don't, it's time to relive some old classics!
Genre: Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Full of melodic riffs, epic choruses and relentless double bass as well as great vocal performances, one would wonder why they are not famous or anything.
Genre: Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Brainstorm is a solid Power Metal band. They don't do anything ground breaking, but they just play Power Metal well. Andy B Frank (also of Symphorce) really is a cool singer of the genre, but he is not the only highlight of the album as the rest of the musicians here are great too. So if you like Power Metal and haven't
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Genre: Folk Power Metal Bit Rate: 320
Alestorm has grown rather popular in recent years and it is not surprising as they have a distinct sound that some label as Pirate Metal. Those galloping shanty tunes is easy to sing along to, but others may find it a bit too "easy".
Genre: Electro Death Metal Bit Rate: 320
If you like Children Of Bodom, like/don't mind trance elements in metal, you will most probably find Mozaiq an awesome release from Japan. Despite the emo image the band puts up, they play really technical music and sound quite original as well. I suspect there's also a bit of Japanese lyrics creeping up here or there.
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Genre: Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
Really with an album like Sunless Days, it shows how effective when Gothic duets are done properly. Too bad Beseech has disbanded since then and this was their last full length release.
Genre: Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
The first Beseech studio album to feature Erik Molarin to replace fonder of Beseech and former male vocalist Jorgen Sjoberg. I really don't have problem with that as Erik is a charismatic singer and there are many lovely duets between him and Lotta.
Genre: Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
Beseech's music isn't exactly wow-ing, but it would certainly make listeners think it's nice andpleasant while filled with emotion, atmosphere and melancholy. The beautiful compositions along with the meaningful lyrics really makes Beseech stand out.
Genre: Heavy Metal Bit Rate: 320
The intro track maybe deceptive, but the real opener "Shell Shock" is really a shock and front woman Veronica Freeman demonstrates well why she has got a lot more balls than many male singers.
Genre: Blackened Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
Blending Gothic, Doom and Death metal elements, Agalloch comes across as fresh and innovative among the metal scene. I checked them out and though appreciating their music, it's not really my style. But since I got it anyway, might as well upload for backups and where others may find it interesting...
Genre: Symphonic Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Having discovered the genius of Arjen Lucassen's Ayreon, I decided to check out his side project Stream Of Passion. I was quite optimistic after reading a lot of positive comments on their debut Embrace the Storm, but was rather disappointed by it after listening to it myself. Now at their second album, I decided to give them a second chance, though I still
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Genre: Symphonic Progressive Metal Bit Rate: 320
Oliver Palotai of Doro and Kamelot fame's new project Sons Of Seasons may have the afore mentioned bands fans anticipating this release, though I'm not sure whether they would like it or not as it really is quite different. However, if you like Progressive Metal, this release would probably get your attention and I admit that I did not like it when I listened to it the first time, though it's steadily growi
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Genre: Symphonic Gothic Metal Bit Rate: 320
With a new front woman Ailyn, Sirenia's mastermind Morten Veland brings us a wonderful album that's graceful, fragile and serene. The catchy-ness of the songs definitely dragged me in further, plus the orchestrations and back choir is ever so omnipresent, fans of the band and Tristianna would adore this album. Definitely among the top Symphonic Metal releases of 2009.
Genre: Doom Metal Bit Rate: 320
It's been 11 years since a My Dying Bride album had a violin, and this time is done by Katie "Katheryne, Queen Of The Ghosts" Stone of A Forest Of Stars (check them out btw if you like interesting Black Metal). Otherwise, it's pretty much the same My Dying Bride formula.
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