Having really enjoyed DGM's 09' album "FrAme", I decided to find out more about the band and acquired a "Different Shapes", their 07' release which also features a different lead singer called Titta Tani who is at least as good as the current one. The rest of the lineup is the same as the 2009 lineup, so musically speaking it's still the DGM sound that I am familiar with that is quite "Power"-like and I'd say it's a
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Only heard of this band until very recently. Looking at the really unstable lineup between each release makes me wonder how good they can be if the musicians can have a bit more chemistry together, because I think FrAme is a very good album of Prog already. The opening track "Hereafter" totally blew me away with it's intensity and power. The rest of the album pretty much follows the same vein, though not quite as out
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