Genre: Extreme Progressive Metal
Bit Rate: 320
I have not listened to Loch Vostok's previous work before, so I can't make any comparisons with their previous works, but I can tell you that this band (or this release) is completely overlooked by metalheads in general. This is unfair really because the type of Progressive Metal Loch Vostok plays here is really convincing and fairly unique. Sure, it's not an easy access release nor ground breaking, but the album has plenty of moments that are very memorable. Front man/guitarist Teddy Moller proves to be a really versatile vocalist and handles both almost blackish growls and power metalish screams really well. Together with cool solos peppered here and there in the album, "Reveal No Secrets" proves to be a good listen of no fillers. If you are a fan of bands such as Mercenary, Scar Symmetry and want something on the progressive side as well, I would recommend this.